Monday, July 16, 2007

A Solution to the War in Iraq- Buy it on eBay for $100mil

This is awesome! I hope Larry King invites him on. Link below.
I am offering the winning bidder the solution to the war in Iraq. This is not a flippant or facetious offer. There will be no joke forwarded to you if you are the winning bidder. If you are the high bidder, I will send you a viable solution to the conflict in which we are currently engaged. I am a Military Intelligence officer in the United States Army with an extensive background in the Middle East. I speak the language and understand the culture, history, and religion, well enough to construct a fair, honorable, and successful plan. I have spent time in Iraq as an enlisted intelligence Soldier during Desert Storm in 1991 and as an intelligence officer during this latest action.
eBay: A Solution to the War in Iraq (item 150141399174 end time Jul-22-07 05:24:36 PDT)

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